New Announcements GoChi Juice - the New Goji Juice Plus...
Just Announced - January 8th, 2008, FreeLife unveiled their new and improved Himalayan Goji Juice: Called GoChi Juice
Consider the huge impact of what Freelife just did. They improved a hugely successful product by over 30 percent while improving the already great taste, and making it preservative free, kosher, etc, while at the same time effectively reducing your cost.
Here is a synopsis of the new improved GoChi Juice Product.
* Contains over 30% more of the special bioactive goji polysaccharides
* Now Preservative free
* Kosher certified
* Halal
* Even better tasting (Preferred 4 to 1 in a blind taste test over the already great tasting original formula).
* Also it's only $5 (USD) more per case or $1.50 more per bottle even though in terms of potency a case of the new Gochi product is the equivalent of getting 5.3 bottles of our original goji juice. This is like getting one and a third extra bottles for only $5 more. This is a bargain in any language
* Results Proven in 14 days by double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled study
Check out the New GoChi Goji Juice Here!

Also check out this new site:
This is a new site, which features Marketing Executive of the Year -Bill Boone
Labels: gochi juice, goji juice, home based business, home business
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